Bachelor of Science, University of Nebraska
Ranking. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is ranked 497th among the best universities in the world. Schools are ranked based on their performance across a range of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Learn more about how we rank schools.
Is the University of Nebraska a good university?
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is ranked 159th in the nation in the 2024 Best Colleges Rankings. In-state tuition and fees are $10,108; Out-of-state tuition and fees are $27,748.
What is the University of Nebraska famous for?
It established the world's first undergraduate psychology laboratory and is the birthplace of the discipline of ecology. "The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is the flagship of the system - a land-grant research institution and Big Ten Conference member that has been leading and innovating for more than 150 years."

Is University of Nebraska a Division I school?
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln consistently ranks among the top research universities in the United States. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln ranks in the top third of all public and private universities in the United States.
Is the University of Nebraska hard to get into?
The admission process at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is relatively straightforward, with an acceptance rate typically around 77%. As a result, most students who apply do get admitted. Nevertheless, a rigorous academic attitude can still ensure that your application stands out.
Is Lincoln, Nebraska a good place to live?
Lincoln is a city in Nebraska with a population of 290,531. Located in Lancaster County, Lincoln is one of the best places to live in Nebraska. Life in Lincoln has a dense suburban feel, with most residents owning their own homes. There are many bars, cafes and parks in Lincoln.

How do I get my Nebraska in diploma Certificate?